Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Proloque Post # 4

While outside of the scope of this book this is one of the most useful terms I know. NO DAY WITHOUT A LINE. A Latin Renaissance term for artists, it is as useful to today’s writers as it was for Benvenuto Cellini and Miguelangelo Bunnarotti. Write every day. Graham Green wrote 500 words then stopped. Steven King writes 2,000 a day no matter what. One author said it simply, “write a page a day and you’ll have a book at the end of a year.” Hemingway counseled count your daily word progress. I aim for a thousand words a day. What ever you decide set a goal and keep to it. You’ll be amazed at your progress.

FYI: People want to read your book. They just don’t know about it yet.

Most important try and have fun. Remember it is only a book. With luck this book will be followed by many other books. You only have one life and one family. Don not ignore either. Stay healthy and stay happy.

Now the question is how to get your book into the hands of the public. The answer is you have to tell them about it, either through advertising or publicity.