Monday, March 22, 2010

Chapter II Post # 9

You Are An Expert
You have become an expert. Whether you have a series of PhDs from top universities or not your are an expert in your field. You are a published author and your book is about something. What is it about? Identifying your expertise is especially important for fictions writers. Is your book a Sci-fi on space travel? A murder mystery involving poisons? You have written a book on it and are now an expert in that field. Think expert in space travel, an expert in poisons used in homicides. There are radio and TV stations and magazines that want you to share you expertise with their audience. Identifying your expertise is important when you pitch your media spots and events. More on pitching the media later

Continuing Education
Educate yourself on the industry; actually three industries: publishing, promotion and book selling. Go to your local library and read sections of the Literary Market Place. Read back issues of Publishers Weekly to help you understand the complexities of the publishing industry. These references will help you with your planning giving you new ideas and possibilities. Knowledge about the publishing industry will help you in your pitches to the media. You want to talk the talk, drop key industry words, and sound professional. Busy people do not have the time to educate the initiate. Below I have listed a few of the scores of books on book publicity.

With your ideas in place you can begin to formulate a business plan.